ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ...

Listen to the foreign troops and the situation in the Middle East ...

ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ... The laws of war is something of the order to more advantageous interests conflict of global capital to allow permanent foreign troops. Iraq war of 00 years was the symbolic event. Currently, you are trying to change interest is large over the Middle East with the advent of the [Islamic State] (ISIS). Japan Iraqi workers Communist Party Sammy Le Adil's, heard about the struggle of the workers after the Middle East situation and the Iraq war in the Iraq oil workers committee Abuwatan's. (Including the remarks in a month .ZENKO, together in the editing part, to me over the times) Q whether Iraq has happened now. Samir ISIS is occupied 0 years Iraq northern city of Mosul, Sarahadin State, was expanding the rule to the Anbar province. Dominate the fraction of Iraq. Women with ISIS dominant land has become the first victim. Looked hard the eaves every woman, even a year-old girl with the combatants of 0's to 0 generations to forced marriages. In some city men were killed, women age, was traded in 0-00 US dollars by the appearance.

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