ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ...

The role of Japan toward peace in the Middle East - from ...

ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ... The role of Japan towards the Middle East peace - from the European point of view - UK Senator Na Zui lure Med Year, Pakistan Kashmir born. At the age, he moved to the UK with his family. Sheffield Hallam University graduate (Public Administration). Become the councilors of the Labor Party to 0 years, year, (up to 000 years) South Yorkshire Labor Party appointed chairman. He founded the UK Islamic lawmakers Forum] a year, the same year, he became a magistrate (up to 000 years). Year, was appointed to the Senate as a baron of South Yorkshire Rotherham. The UK's first senator as a Muslim. It serves as a second following the Islamic pilgrimage delegation headed by the British government. Race, religion, a wide range of remarks in relation to, such as equality of gender. It is promoting legislation to eliminate religious discrimination and forced marriages. Japan's peace efforts in the Middle East First, the Japanese government has done for the support of the effort the Middle East, like to say a word of thanks.

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