ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ...

Sakai Tanaka ISIS and the US Israel ties

ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ... Syria south and the Golan Heights, which lies between the northern Israel, which was originally Syrian territory, is invaded Israel in the Middle East war of the year, since then, Israel has occupied the east side of the split of land of the same plateau. Israel and Syria of the cease-fire line in the Golan Heights, because of the cease-fire maintenance, the United Nations Monitoring Force (UNDOF) has been stationed from the year. (Will Israel enter the Syrian civil war?) From 0 years, after the anti-government forces, mainly the Islamic extremists has become a civil war, armed uprising in Syria, Al-Qaeda is a faction of the rebels [Arunusura Front], the Syrian government in Syria side of the Golan Heights defeated the army, it was to expand the rule. In the first half of the year, according to the the ISIS in northern Syria (Islamic countries) has expanded the rule, near the Golan Heights in the south will be the dominant area of ​​Arunusura, the year summer, the region along the cease-fire line with Israel It was occupied driving out government forces from the majority.

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