ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ...

Terrorist organization ISIS, a new threat to Europe - - Germany News ...

ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ... Terrorist organization ISIS, a new threat to Europe The situation in Iraq is, to enhance the tension of the time again. The reason for this is that, since the Islamic militant organization ISIS fighting the Assad regime in Syria (Iraq and Sharm Islamic countries) is, also invade the neighboring country Iraq, have been advancing towards the capital Baghdad in order to overthrow the al-Maliki government I. Advance of the irresistible force in Iraq ISIS of the terrorists is to fall in just a day the first of the city Mosul, Iraq in early months of this year, stunned the whole world. They took the cash in addition to captured Iraqi government forces of weapons and US-made helicopters that were in this town, billion 0,000,000 US dollars equivalent from the bank (0 billion yen, the dollar = 00 yen equivalent). In addition there is also information that Iraq's largest refinery has been conquered in ISIS. ISIS is executed a large number of Iraqi soldiers were taken prisoner, has released the video on the Internet.

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