ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ...

Ibuki FutoshiAyumi of current affairs Date virtual: Japan is also ...

ISIS (ISIL) Kurdish women soldiers Mirirepo defeated the Islamic ... Author Profile: Ibuki FutoshiAyumi After publishing company work, a wide range of coverage from the world of culture politics, to entertainment, to active in a weekly magazine in the center of the evening paper [Shukan Gendai] [Shukan Post] [Asahi Performing Arts] writer. Also involved in the translation editing. To travel the world from experience that deepened the friendship with the local people, it has been the creed to convey to the reader while picking up the voices directly in the global news. Now, in Iraq and Syria, the situation very alarming has occurred. To hear the country of Iraq and Syria, it may also not come ring a bell person often. [I do not know something well, of whether the terrorist organization is also Yarakashi something] or is not than many people received not only about the impression that. However, disputes that are currently happening in surrounding Iraq is serious about not enough in terms of "great situation". Involving the various countries in the Middle East region, it has an impact on world affairs.

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